Trump is Our Trojan Horse Terrorist

Dr. Barbara Chiarello
1 min readOct 12, 2020

Trump is our Trojan horse terrorist.

He snuck into our sacred halls of government trumpeting grandiose deeds to “make America great again” but really signaling the menacing message to his true believers that he would build a xenophobic, sexist, racist white patriarchy.

Trump and his enablers are relentlessly biting off ever-bigger chunks of the principles America stands on and, with termite-like stealth, literally killing our bodies and our souls.

If a foreign army had penetrated our defenses and murdered over 215,000 people, we would long since have massed the troops, the very troops that Trump demands quash peaceful protests (and whom he calls losers and suckers).

At the insidious coronavirus Trump impotently throws up his hands instead of arming those fighting against it with even basic protective equipment. Is not someone a traitor who politicizes the life-saving measure of wearing a mask?

So much for the sanctity of human life. The essence of our nation no longer stands firm.

Trump and his loyalists gnaw away at America’s bedrock motto: e pluribus unum — “out of many, one.” First suggested by the Great Seal committee in 1776, it undergirded the suffragist movement as well as labor, immigrant and civil rights activists who proclaim strength in unity.

But unity is anathema to Trump and his termites, who thrive on creating, and profiting from, discord.

Biden epitomizes compassion and commonality: They’re the only weapons that can save us from our enemies within.

