The Shrine of the Unholy Donald

Dr. Barbara Chiarello
1 min readOct 12, 2020

Covid-19 requires Americans to face harsh truths.

We must dismantle the sacrosanct American myth that deifies individualism so that we can embrace the social responsibility imperatives that will defeat this pandemic.

When Trump refuses to require all Americans to socially isolate and to wear masks, he worships at the Church of the Sacred Self.

When Trump will not use the Defense Production Act to allow the federal government to efficiently take care of all sick Americans, he resurrects the Temple of States’ Rights that continues to separate us.

When Trump refuses to respond to congressional subpoenas, fires competent Americans, hires unqualified Americans, he creates the Shrine of the Holy Donald.

Covid-19 has taught us that America, as we revere it, cannot survive unless we elect a president who will look out for us.

